I usually create my wearable art on a "flat" background and can normally avoid having to insert darts. I saw the jacket made up in Cherrywood's sueded cotton at their booth at a quilt show and fell in love with it, thinking that it would be fast with pre-cut strips (anything to avoid lots of cutting!) So I bought the pattern (which luckily included Cherrywood's suggestions for making it), a Cherry Roll, and yardage for the lining and binding to make the jacket. I went to Downie's booth to try on her finished samples and determined what size I needed.
Once I opened the pattern, I realised that it had princess seams.......... but thought that that would be fine. I made a muslin, and in accordance with Cherrywood's suggestion did not stiffen it with fusible interfacing. The muslin fit, so I proceeded to work on the jacket. Instead of using uneven size strips which the pattern called for I used even strips, pinned and straight stitched them in place as instructed, leaving the area where the yoke and body intersect to be covered at the end I then free motion zigzagging over the joins using 40wt variegated cotton thread. I started with the sleeves which were flat. They went fine. I then made the back, which was slight shaped and that worked. I then started one of the front sides, and found it quite difficult to lay straight-cut strips over the curves created by the princess seams in the bust area. I soldiered on, free motion quilting them, then stopped where the gap was. It measured over 3" in places. At that point, I knew that I needed a creative solution, as 2 1/2" strips were not going to do the job. I consulted other local sewers for their advice, but no one had seen anything like this.
I finally took the front piece with me to Houston for help. (I even carried it in my hand luggage to ensure that it did not get lost.) As soon as Preview Night opened I made a bee-line for Cherrywood's booth which was customer-free. I talked to Karla who referred me to the person who had made their sample. I will interpose that she is very petite. After talking to her, I determined that the only thing I could do was to buy another 1/2 yard of a coordinating fabric (the color I had wanted to use is only made for the cherry rolls) and cut wider strips, possibly pleating them to make them fit over the curve. I ended up cutting a fairly wide strip for each side of the front to go over the curve.

Stunning! To say I am in awe of your garment construction talents is an understatement. But then, consider the source - LOL.
This comment has nothing to do with your post. I just wanted to be able to reply to the comments you leave on my blog but you are a no reply blogger. Can you e-mail me?
Gorgeous jacket! I don't suppose you'd consider entering it in Best of the Valley. It's a show of quilts, wearable art and dolls, held in April, in Central CA. Entry info is on our website www.botvquilts.com We are always looking for wearable art entries, and we do give cash awards...
Oh my, what an accomplishment with that jacket. I wouldn't even know where to start on the construction.
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